Monday, July 30, 2012

crush punye poem

oke, sebelom bersajak berjiwang2 ni, aku nak ngadu2 dulu.. hehe, ye aku memang gedik, so? oke dah.. aku still bizi lagi nih.. haih...:(  exam ari tu?? alhamdulillah pass :D.. n sbb tu, aku kena sambung lagi 3 minggu kelas dental.. sampai dekat nak raya.. cuti dah laa 3 minggu je.. tension betol.. budak2 medik semua dah bergumbira kat rumah.. jeles jeles jeleeessss gilerr!! oke dah, back to the tajok.. heheh.. korang ade or penah ade crush?? mesti penah kannn?? aku ade banyyaaakkkk betol crush..(CRUSH je ye..) hahaha.. saje nak menggedik.. sebelom dapat yg halal kan, hehe :p oke, xnak cakap panjang,. esok ade group discussion on the spot :o.. kene stadii, kalau x abih laa.. oke stop membebel safirah.. so, hari ni aku nak share a poem originally made by my dearie rumet.. luahan hati beliau for her crush barangkali.. heheh :p

excitation overwhelms me,
happiness surged in me,
my heart beats crazily within minutes..
by any chance, are you an ecstasy...
specially designed to drown me in bliss?
i love the feeling of liking you silently,
because i despise pain and,
being rejected is gonna be heart breaking..
yet i still hope that one day
when i'm stealing glances of you
your eyes will caught mine,
and you'll say that you love me too..

oke, boiboi..